
We aim to be able to offer you an appointment if urgent with a clinician the next day, or at most within 48 hours. If you are happy to consult with another health care professional (not a doctor), we can usually arrange this within 24 hours. You can still, nevertheless, book appointments in advance if you so wish.
You can make an appointment by phoning 01708 478800 when the centre is open (see GP Consultation Times and Clinic Times)
Please inform if you can not keep your appointment.
If your problem is urgent please let the reception know so that you can be fitted in.
If you wish to speak to your doctor please advise our receptionist and she/he will be happy to put a message through to the doctor for you.
Also, should you feel that you or your child could be 'infectious' please tell a receptionist so that you can wait in the interview room.
We are now offering early and late appointments with our nurse.
Please register for on line use, just look on Google for EMIS Patient on line and follow the instructions.
Evening and weekend appointments are available with GP's, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Nurses at Raphael's House, book online using this link