We are accepting new patient registrations. Please complete the registration form by downloading the GMS1 form from the following site https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/gms1 or register online via Registration link
Welcome to The New Medical Centre.
We are a PMS (Personal Medical Services) practice and are fully committed to the National Health Service, having no private patients. The centre has been purpose built so as to provide all the modern facilities required for the provision of comprehensive medical care for the community.
Opening Hours
Find out when our practice is open, what the GP consulting times are and what to do if you need help when the practice is closed. Find out more
GP Hub
You will now be able to see a GP locally from 6:30-10:00 pm on weekdays and 12:00pm-6:00pm on Weekends by calling 111
Blood tests
Patients can book their blood tests appointment online via https://10to8.com/book/nelftbookabloodtest Please ensure blood test forms are taken with you on your appointment.
Repeat Prescriptions
Do you need to re-order your medication? Visit our prescriptions page and complete the online form. Find out more
Alternatively, you can email your request to nelondonicb.thenewmedicalcentreprescriptions@nhs.net or via NHS app/ Patient Access or request your nominated chemist to request this on your behalf.
Like To Register?
New to the area and would like to join our practice? We would be happy to help you. Fill in our registration forms and come see us. Find out more
Alternatively, please register online following the link below https://www.eastlondonregistergp.nhs.uk/start

(Site updated 29/01/2025)